Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How to use this site

Dear fellow Tyler Hall residents,

This blog was created to dump all ideas for responding to the need to take down lofts.
Rebellion is not to be considered here.

Many good ideas were brought up at the meeting tonight, and I would like to see all of them put here as posts.
You are welcome to make a post if you think it is a new idea, distinct from any previous post.

To make a post, you must become an author. If you comment your email address on this post, I will delete the comment and send you an invitation to become an author, or you can wait for T-bird or your RA to send you an invitation.

Once an idea is posted, anyone can comment on it. If you think something should be different in someone's idea, present that as a comment. If others think you have a different idea than the one you are commenting on, then you/they/the original author/someone can make a new post just for your idea.

Hopefully this blog will pull together the best ideas for how to deal with the trial we are being put through.

God bless,
David "Post" Nemati

PS. I am a senator, so if you think the Student Senate can do anything, make a post or just email me.

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